Well, this has been a interesting last few months. Reece is in Kindergarten and doing well, he has his moments but I just chalk it up to being 5 years old. He has two little boys that are his friends and he has already asked to go over to one boys house! He asked me today if I could write down his phone number so his other friend could call...OY! I love him and I am so happy he is making friends, but what's not to love. He is amazing! The Director of the HOST after/before program at school stopped me today and told me how well Reece was doing and how much he has improved. He said he is a amazing and very entertaining little boy...??? Another teacher randomly walked up to me this afternoon and asked if I was Reece's mom. Of course, I proudly said yes!, she told me that she has never seen a little boy dance so well. I laughed out loud! He is my life, and I am glad to see that everyone is getting a chance to see him how I do.
Scott is in Hong Kong for two weeks, he left on 10/5 and won't be back until 10/19. No, it is not for work, it is for play. While I don't really mind him being gone and having fun, its Reece that minds. Every time Scott calls to Skype Reece, Reece ends up acting out the next day and gets a yellow at school. It is not easy telling your husband not to call, it's not fair but neither is it fair for me to punish my son for his feelings and the hurt he has. I feel bad for Reece and I try to compensate in every way I can, but let me tell you "I AM TIRED!" in more ways than one. I can't sleep when it's just me in the house, because I feel like I have to watch over my son in case anything may happen. And in general, tired. Tired of dealing with all these emotions, tired of taking care of things alone, tired of being so dang frustrated with my husband, tired of fighting about things he should already know and understand. I don't give up on things easy, but I also like everyone else have a breaking point. I want what everyone else in the world wants.... support, love, empathy. Isn't being married supposed to be about sharing and supporting each other...if so, what happened to mine? I am a married woman who 6-8 months out of the year is a single mom.
These are my feelings and thoughts, and you can't be wrong when you feel a certain way.
Here are a few recent pics of Reece (one of his bloody nose, which you will see why I fight so hard for him), his school pics are next week and I have ordered one for everyone who matters.
Love, Tanya