Well, as most of you know, Ree ended up in the hospital on Thursday. It seems his pooping problem was too out of hand for anyone to fix. The G.I. said it would be better for him to be admitted so they can watch him rather than us trying at home. The Merilax they were giving him in high doses needed to be monitored in case he had a bout of nausea. Which he DID! So I am glad he was there....however, he had quite a ordeal when he got there. First, they put a I.V. in his hand which I had to step out for, it is never fun to see them restrain him. This bit only took 3 nurses but he did fight the whole way which was good, its nice to see him fight them. :) Second, he would not drink the recommended amount of Merilax per hour they needed him too (I mean come on the kid is completely bloated and you want him to drink 8 oz every hour, not happening). So, they ended up putting a tube up his nose... which sucked. He was not happy and screamed every time the fluid started up because he could feel the coolness in the hose itself. He threw up about 3-4 times while this happened. Finally, after 24 hours of being in the hospital, he started to poop. Good job Ree. He was released about 6pm our time which was wonderful! I have never been so happy to be out in the sun. As Ree was walking out of the hospital, he said " Look mommy, its sunny" "Look mommy, there's a lizard" It was like he was reborn as well. Sometimes you have to be thankful for the family you have. Life is not about money, its about the love you have with your husband/ wife and your child or children. I learned a very valuable lesson this week and I will never take either one for granted. Promise!
*And Ree, if you ever read this one day I want you to know that I would sit with you in the hospital for the rest of my life if it meant I got to be with you. You are my life! Your dad and I will love you unconditionally with all our heart until the end of eternity. We are proud of you and you are such a big boy to go through all this. All the love in the world to you Ree!