Here are a few pics of Reecey and his kitty (Boots probably won't appear in any pics since Reece is not excited about Boots). There are also some new pics of Reece at the beach this last weekend. It was so nice to be at the beach at the end of September with the beautiful weather we are having, ok who am I kidding, its hot as all heck! I think when Reece gets older he will consider himself a lucky boy to have the beach basically in his back yard. He had a ton of fun chasing the birds (poor birds) and playing in the playground on Clearwater Beach. Before that, on Saturday we went to Busch Gardens in the morning and Chuck E Cheeses later Saturday afternoon. He had a wonderful weekend and was a absolute wonderful little boy for 3/4 of the time. (Hey I would be lying if I said the whole time, he is 3). Reece turns 3 1/2 in two days and it is crazy to wonder where all the time has gone! He is now counting to 10 in spanish and is learning most of his colors. It is INSANE to have a conversation with him and actually understand what he is saying. I can't believe how fast he picked everything up, but he is truly a delight to have around (minus the tantrums).
We are getting ready for Halloween and then a trip to Minnesota for Thanksgiving, it will be a wonderful time of the year.
Also, Scott and I are celebrating our 6 year anniversary so wahoo for us!